Monday, March 28, 2005

Return of the FLY

ok, what in the hell is up with all the flies in my house??? I should have known something was up when I moved in - there were two fly swatters, very well worn. I moved here in June, so didn't see many and the windows were all open anyhow. Now my windows are all closed with plastic on them to keep out the winter drafts and the damn flies are bouncing and pinging off of that...I was away for the weekend and there must be a hundred or more dead ones on the floor...I am beginning to feel like I am in the Amityville Horror...except without the blood oozing from the walls...


Pamela said...

Ew, ew, ew, ew, eeeeeewwwwwwwwww.........
Admittedly not the most eloquent way of expressing myself but eh, you get my point. ;o)
Friggin flies running amok throughout the house - this makes me crazy!!!
Unfortunately, I have no good solution for you, I just wanted you to know that I commiserate with your issue at hand.

On a quick "google" for getting rid of house flies I did find this - "Try vases of fresh herbs around the house, or hang up dried herbs in winter. Eau-de-Cologne Mint, Penny Royal, Rosemary, Rue, Thyme and Tansy are said to repel flies."

I've never tried it myself so no clue if it'll work. Good luck!

Dreama said...

great idea, thanks! I will get some herbs tomorrow and hang them in the kitchen...that's where most of them were, and post if they actually do work for me.

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