Saturday, March 05, 2005


Oh how I hurt - let me count the ways. You'd think I have just completed a would be wrong. I cleaned my house from top to bottom today. It wasn't filthy, but many things had not been done for some time...some not since I moved in here (sweeping the basement stairs!) so now the house looks good for my parent's visit tomorrow...but I can hardly move. I used to have the stamina for this stuff when I was in my time has stomped on me and wear out easy. If I'm like this at the ripe old age of 38, I will be immobile by 50.

Time for another drink...


Madley said...

Immobile by 50 -- that's what I have to look forward to too! Sorry to hear about your bad muscles... I only got to the kitchen and desk area and I pulled my back... now I'm just whining like a baby...

Dreama said...

hell, when I walk to the end of the driveway, I nearly black out...but am working to remedy this with exercise a few times a week. Its a rainy day, so expect to be sore again for a few days....whimper, whine...where's the cheese?

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