Sunday, March 13, 2005

Snow Woes and Pros

Well, whether I like it or not, winter has reared its white head again. We received about 30 cms of snow again last night (12 inches for the yanks) and it looks like December all over again. So I have some woes and pros for this new development...
- just when I thought winter was over, we have a fresh new batch of snow
- I can't find my f-ing wind pants so must shovel in just my bare pants
- the wind is raw and I am freezing in my bare pants
- I went outside directly after a shower and my hair froze to my head
- my snow fairy is still plowing my looonnng driveway for free before I even rise in the morning
- my horse-owning neighbor has been out for sleighrides today with Darby the horse and I was invited to take a turn in the meadow...whoo hoo! It was a lovely ride, and I hadn't been on one in years!
- Once the wind calms down again, it might even be nice for another snowshoe.
- the snow as light as feathers and took nearly no sweat or backbreaking at all.
- my friend Mel found my wind pants and is going to bring them to me

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