Tuesday, June 08, 2004

and did I mention the accident that I inadvertently caused? While we were working on Friday, we were waiting to meet up with police in order to serve the parents, and I pulled into a driveway between two businesses, kind of like an alley. I wanted to pull out again and face the other way as I couldn't see the police when they came. So I began to back up, and the truck that had parked across the end of my car noticed, so he began to back up, BUT what he didn't do, is look in his rearview mirror...there was a little car right behind him, kind of the size of a Ford Escort...he crunched right into the drivers side front panel and tore paint and metal...I was waving to him and yelling for him to stop, but when he finally did, it was too late. He had one of those big dimpled steel bumpers too, so he didn't get a scratch. It was almost funny, although not for the escort...heh heh.

Glad it wasn't my car!

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