Tuesday, June 15, 2004

tomorrow is hump day

ah yes, Wednesday, aka hump day. And what a hump it will be. My life is so busy these days, filled to the brim with "stuff". If anyone is interested in what my calendar holds for the remainder of the month (as interested as you are in any of the other drivel I blather on endlessly about)much of it social obligations or desires

Wednesday, June 16th - drive to Sydney for work, getting home around 6:00pm or so and pack
Thursday, June 17th - work all day, go out with friends to say goodbye to co-worker after work
Friday June 18th - supposed to be my relief day off for being on duty all week - oh no..court that was supposed to be on Thursday is now on Friday and I have two cases so must be there. Attend court, then take kid to new foster home...then attend graduation ceremony for resident teen's boyfriend that night
Saturday June 19th - pack and clean
Sunday June 20th- pack and clean
Monday June 21st - work all day, then attend Amber's Grand March and see her off to the prom. After prom (midnight) take both to prom party. 5am, pick up from prom party
Tuesday June 22nd - work all day, attend grad dinner, then begin moving items to house in country
Wednesday, June 23rd - spend day moving into house in country with car, then evening with friends who have trucks moving furniture
Thursday June 24th - unpack and arrange all day, cook for party tomorrow, then attend graduation ceremony that night for resident teen (don't forget to make sandwiches for ceremony), take new graduate and boyfriend to grad party, then pick up at 5am
Friday June 25th - attend court AGAIN, finish cooking for graduation party at 4pm, then host party until who knows when
Saturday June 26th - move resident teen and boyfriend to Halifax, packing truck and then unloading truck in Halifax that day.
Sunday June 27th - return from Halifax, clean old house
Monday June 28th - finish cleaning house, return keys to now former landlord and finish settling into new home.

I will be a little tired.

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