Tuesday, June 15, 2004

the worst is yet to come

Well, went to the Annual General Meeting tonight for my agency. Was chatting with someone from our board of directors who works part-time with the resident teen. He started talking about how I would miss her when she moves away...gawd, I nearly bawled on him. The worst is yet to come. When I have to drive out of her parking lot on the 27th, I know it will be just plain hard. How do you separate from someone who has been in your life for 18 years? And for the past 7 years, it has basically just been the two of us, with the exception of a few months here and there when her father lived with us (not counting the collection of room mates I had in university).

I know my every happiness isn't defined by her, but she sure brightens my day! Lookout Cibele, I will be looking to mother you, heh heh. FYI, Cibele is the new rommie that moves in next week with me. I took her out to see the house last night for the first time and she loved it. I can't wait to be living there and all unpacked. For anyone that knows me, I prefer my things ordered and in their place...I am not a neat freak by any stretch...the dustbunnies can attest to this, but I am bothered by clutter, so having my stuff all crammed into boxes here and there this week really bothers me! So by next Wednesday when I finally get to haul some of it out of here, I will surely be batty!!!

We chatted with the new neighbors last night too, and the landlord. They are such nice people, we are so lucky. And the landlord, Stephen is such a character, I just know we will hit it off. He was cutting the grass last night so stirred up all the black flies...they were NUMEROUS!!! I have a few bites already this year. Lookout West Nile Virus!

anyhow, back to the kid and the worst is yet to come - I imagine her graduation will be a tearful event...the school will likely be looking for a muzzle for me, as I am bad enough at weddings, let alone my only child's graduation. I will have to work hard to keep it in check for sure. Don't want to embarrass her too much, heh heh.

so now I am off to pack some more crap...it is neverending...

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