Saturday, June 26, 2004

Graduation Week

Oh what a night…or should I say nights…as previously described, the past week was to be a busy one…The week began with the Grand March and Prom Night. The Grand March appeared to be quite a waste of time and energy…you take over 100 graduates, pair them up and make them prance around the auditorium stage for an hour in various groupings. There is no significance attached, it just is. The auditorium is another story…there is no limit on who can attend, so everyone and their dog and their neighbor came, and because I though 20 minutes before it began was soon enough to go, I had to stand in the hall. The auditorium was PACKED and people spilled into the stairways, jammed the back areas, etc. I managed to finally squeeze in behind some others standing up, but it was uncomfortable to do so for an hour…elbows in the face and back and so on…all for naught…just a bit of prancing. So then they announce that the fathers are to dance with the daughters. Amber’s dad is still in Halifax so she had pre-arranged for Brad’s father to dance with her, just so she wouldn’t feel left out. It was very sweet and sure made her happy. Following that, they danced with their date, then proceeded into the gym for the Prom. I had a look around and took a few pictures before heading home. There wasn’t much for décor, but the tiki bar was cool. This year’s theme had been Tropical Paradise or something like that.

Tuesday night was the Grad Dinner. This was a purchased ticket affair, so tons of room for us to sit, and a lovely meal. The tech class had prepared a video collage which was very nice to watch while we ate dinner, and there were a few presentations and speeches…not much, which was FINE with me.

Wednesday evening, I finished off moving my stuff to the new house. I was getting tired, but not out of steam yet. Thursday morning I had to work, then spent all afternoon unpacking, then headed into town to have supper with Amber, Brad, Al and his crazy lady. Al treated us all to Pizza Delight which was a nice surprise. Then we headed off to the graduation and got excellent seats. It was a proud night for us as parents. Amber received the Honor Cord which is awarded for maintaining an 85% average all during high school…you could see the heads turn when she received THAT…as many judged her by her appearance and assumed she was just another dumb punk…NOT! She also received several bursaries, including one from each of the local newspapers, which was very cool. She beamed with pride as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I thought I was going to lose it a few times, but carefully reconstructed that wall around my emotions for a few more days yet…I had so much more to do…

Friday I spent cooking and cleaning, and getting prepared for the big party I was to throw for Amber’s success. My brother was even coming down, which tickled both Amber and I. I also had a bunch of the gals coming, Brad’s mother and sisters, Amber’s friends and parents, etc….It was a huge success, and people were so generous and kind to Amber…it was nice to see her enjoy the day so much. Brad was chief cook on the grill and did a fabulous job – Thanks bud! There was too much food, as usual, but settled nicely in my fridge and Amber’s. We wound down around 11pm or so and were EXHAUSTED.

Amber was able to garner tears out of many of the women by showing them the booklet I had prepared for her with the poem in it. I’ll post it above. It is a beautiful poem.

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