Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I thought weekends were for relaxing...

Apparently not for me...sheesh...well, I did manage to squeeze some in at the staff bbq and overnight on Friday night...although I was late for that because I was too busy at work, and had to take two children into care, which creates a WHOLE LOTTA more work. Main thing is, the kids are now safe, and that is why I am there in my job.

So the BBQ and staff party...well, we had delicious steaks, lobster and chicken with tons of salads, and there definitely was alcohol flow...the entertainment of the night was a Scavenger Hunt that myself and another worker ran...BOY OH BOY do they get competitive when they think they can win something. It was cutthroat I tell you. And following the hunt, we went into Karaoke...WELL NOW, I never knew we had so much talent at the agency. Britney Spears and Christina Skankulara showed up (W.) and was trying to sex up the show, says she. Well, it must have worked on the Testosterone part of the judging because they won fo best act. Our group won for Funniest, and that we were. We had on big eye glasses, and sang Summer Nights from the Grease Soundtrack, then Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer...and when Britney tried to sex up our act and interfere, we pretended to kick the crap out of her (S. and I). It was hilarious.

So Saturday...drive back from overnight, shop for birthday party, then finish A.'s recipe book - had do hand-stamp the design on after good friend R. printed it off for me. The plain print looked a little blah, so used my scrapbooking stamps to finish it up. That took me only THREE HOURS!!! Then I had to write notes from the day before as I had to meet with our agency lawyer for an affidavit the next day....THREE HOURS MORE. I was exhausted but waited up for the kid to come home. She and the boyfriend had taken my car to Antigonish for the evening to visit with some friends. When they got back, we celebrated A.'s birthday, since it was just past midnight on the 6th of June. She loved her gifts, and try as we might to make her cry with our sappy cards and poems, we didn't crack her. She's tough...Brad even wrote her a song, and called it A.'s Song. It is quite nice. So after the gifts, we stayed up until 2:30am watching the Trailer Park Boys. Brad and I got hungry so we cooked up some spaghetti and no sooner had we sat down to eat it when the power went out!!! So there we sat in total darkness, with our spaghetti...I fumbled around for some matches, and we finished by candlelight. Mine got cold, however, so I did try to warm it up in the microwave...

Up again at 6:00am, got work to do...make potato salad, macaroni salad, make cookies...ooops, missing ingredient for cookies...phew, don't have to make those now. Head over to the office to put my notes into the sytem..can't because the server is down, probably from the power being off...head to lawyers office and print off there. Then got the gang up later to help clean up the house for company that was coming for lunch. Then chop up all the stuff for shishkabobs, realize I don't have room for them all on BBQ, look for charcoal for hibachi...send kid out, she comes back without starter fluid...I go out, 6 stores later, find some.

The BBQ was Awesome, we had 7 of us sitting in party hats and chowing down. We all hung out for a bit then it was time for the kid to head to work, and I had to get to the lawyer's office to do up my affidavit. THREE HOURS LATER I get to come home...and phew...too tired so go straight to bed.

Where does the relaxing part come in???

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