Wednesday, June 09, 2004

My dear sweet child

It is hot here. It is even hotter in my house because the dear sweet child was cold in the house, so opened all the curtains and windows and turned my once cool house into an OVEN. It is 29C with a humidex of 32C, which is not the worst its been, but coming from about 5C yesterday, it is hot enough. She had been outside, sunning herself, and got too hot so came inside and found it too cold, so opened the windows AND the screenless window in the side door. We now have several LARGE wasps in the house. Thankfully I have been able to trap most of them in the windows when I shut them all again.

You would think she had learned how to keep the house cool in humid weather...after all, we did spend FIVE years in hot, humid and polluted southwestern Ontario, but NOOOOOO, she forgot the whole thing. So I chewed her out for it, and she said she was sorry...doesn't help me though. Our air conditioning is not yet reinstalled at work, so I sweated the day away in the sauna that is my office, only to come home to absolutely no relief. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH.

Ok, I feel vented now...

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