Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Moving Days

Well, the verdict is in - I passed the "interview" and have been invited to rent Kathleen's rental house in the country. I am hoping to move in around the 23rd if possible...now comes all the other work....packing of some sort, and phone calls to the utilities to change things over for phone, power, oil, cable, internet, etc.

I have begun a list of things that need to be done...and who is going to help me...remember all those offers of help folks? Don't even think of hiding...I know where you live...heh heh...just kidding...it should run smoothly on the moving days. I am usually organized enough that it just does.

And then at the end of the month, we have move number 2. Amber and Brad will be moving to Halifax for July 1st they hope...we are heading up next Monday to look for an apartment, prom dress and for them both to apply for work in person. I hope they are successful on all issues!

Now for a hello to my faithful readers...Tobey and Tammy...gawd, don't you guys do anything else? just kidding...at least someone is reading it! I like just having it as a record of my meager existence...proof that I have done something other than just sit and knit while watching movies...which actually sounds pretty good right now, only I have reading to do for my NSASW Supervision tomorrow morning (Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers). So off I go...

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