Monday, June 21, 2004

The Grand March

What is that anyhow...well, at SAERC (Strait Area Education and Recreation Centre) it means cramming 1000 people into a 500 seat auditorium, and having them watch the grads prance around in their prom outfits to the sound of Pachelbel's Canon. They walked SO SLOW, you know that old step shuffle that people used to do at weddings...and prance around on the stage for about 30 minutes, then they have the grads dance with their matched partner, then call for the dads and moms to dance with their son/daughter. It was interesting to see the parents try to shuffle their way through the overcrowded auditorium, over seats, people, etc...but they all managed to get there. Then they had the grads dance with their prom dates, and THEN they made their way to the gym where the actual prom was taking place. I went over to take a peek, as I didn't go to my prom, so wanted to at least say I had been to someones!!! It was a tropical theme, and looked pretty nice, but not overly decorated. Nothing on the ceiling at all, and very little on the walls. Just a few props, but the Tiki bar was pretty cool. I guess they had a problem with getting people to volunteer to decorate. same old story.

Anyhow, she seemed happy enough, whatever it looked like and they'll have a few dances there, and head off to the prom party after the dance ends at midnight or so, coming home to change of course!!!

So there we are, one night of Grad nearly over, only three more to go...

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