Sunday, November 28, 2004

Girls Day Sucked

Well, that was a bomber of an idea. As you know, I have been having Girl's Day for about a year now. They started as a way for me to teach some of the gals from work how to knit. Then we started bringing snacks and movies and then we just expanded it to include anyone who wanted to come, from work or otherwise and everyone to bring snacks and crafts. We were also not to be chatting about work, as we are prone to. It was a day off from everything. Some of them were rather busy, with 9-10 gals there, while others were quieter, with just 3-4 of us. Well, today there was just K. and I. And I have to say, I am rather disappointed. I had sent out the invite some weeks ago, and I guess I should have known then, no one would remember it. But the this week we all chatted about it, and I had responses from about 6 people that were coming for sure, while others were less commital. Well, only one showed up. Great. I came home early from Ingonish, and whipped through some baking and creating for today, rearranged all the furniture, bought more food, and all for just the two of us. I even made a cheese ball...and I don't make them for just anyone! And the worst is, no one called me to say they couldn't come, or weren't coming, or got busy, changed their minds. I know I recently changed my number, but I SENT IT TO THEM. So there are no excuses for the behaviour. They just didn't show up.

I don't know if I'll bother trying to organize another one...phoohey on them all, I say.

but I did get a number of pages done for my scrapbook, and we watched a couple of movies - Shrek 2 and Riding in Cars With Boys. And now I have lots of snacks, and leftovers.

Naughty girls...


Anonymous said...

Hey Jude...
I would have come for Girls Day... honestly. The cheese ball alone should have had people there in droves!
- Kathleen

Dreama said...

I know you would have! Anywhere there's food, ha ha. I will likely have another day sometime in January...certainly not in December when it is so busy...

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