Monday, November 15, 2004

Still driving after all this snow

Ah, it wasn't as bad as all that for us...we still have power, although the reports from outside the province say we don't. We were out shopping and had lunch at Pogue Fodo (an Irish Pub) yesterday, in downtown Halifax. We saw some snow, but it wasn't too bad and the power was on. Now, as you move out of town, the power is out in places and there is more snow. We visited relatives in Hammonds Plains and they had lost power at 2am yesterday morning.

We'll see how things change and I head back to the island today after a work appointment downtown...stay tuned...

1 comment:

Big Hoser said...

Aw, I guess I can't bug you about it too much then, eh?

I did have to mow the lawn this weekend, though...



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