Monday, January 31, 2005
this pretty much sums up how I feel about winter...despite having thoroughly enjoyed myself in the snow yesterday...
musings by
1/31/2005 06:47:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
My Sister's Uncanny Ability
Yup, my sister. She knows just when I have gone to bed early, so she phones me. She lives in northern British Columbia and calls maybe once a week, unless she needs a question answered, then she may call more. But for as long as I have been living in Nova Scotia and actually working full time - she knows when I have chosen to go to bed early. I rarely do this, and it is usually because I'm quite tired and last night was one of those times.
I was exhausted because of the late night on Saturday, but more so from the physical escapade on snowshoes so went to bed at 9pm, watched a bit of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet on television before drifting off at about 9:45pm or so. At 11:00pm the shrillness of the phone jolted me from a dead sleep....the lamp wouldn't work and I could find the phone...finally after much fumbling, I answered a groggy "hello" and on the other end was my sister.
Then she wanted to hang up and let me get back to sleep...I told her it was too late, I was awake so she better start talking! heh heh...the call lasted about 10 minutes or less and then she had to go because the boys (my darling nephews) needed her. Ok, bye...
I didn't finally get back to sleep until after 1:00am. Thanks, sis. I will get you back, oh yes, I will get you back.
So now I am tired this morning and just when my sleeping was getting somewhat back on track (except for the past two nights - one of my own doing).
I shall try an early night again tonight - can't imagine she would call two nights in a row so I should be safe...
Love you sis!
musings by
1/31/2005 03:20:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Sunday, January 30, 2005
I Must Be Dead
musings by
1/30/2005 12:04:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, January 29, 2005
One step forward and two back
Arrrrrrggghhhhh! I am having company later today so I am trying to get into my most productive mode - you know the one...someone is coming so you finally get all those last minute chores done, some tidying away, dirty spots off the trash bin area, that kind of thing.
What is getting in my way is my back! I have some disc troubles that I have had physio for off and on for years and today it is pissing me off. I do one or two tasks and then I have to sit down. Little tasks too, like cleaning the fish tank (just the weekly maintenance, not the killer fish frenzy of last week) and throwing in a load of laundry has my back in PAIN mode. For someone who is just 38 years old, I am feeling about 90 today.
It will all get done, on my little breaks, here I am!
The vacuuming has yet to be done and the food prep for tonight...sigh...whine...
musings by
1/29/2005 09:38:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, January 24, 2005
Shack Whacky
Ok, its time to go back to work. I could never make a good hermit. I tire easily of my own company. I had Friday off, and today was a snow day. With the exception of Friday night video with K. and an hour for supper with the neighbors, I have pretty much been left to my own devices and now I need a change of venue!
I am sick of scanning the television and of hearing the music channels, so I turned the idiot box off hours ago and immersed myself in my current reading - "To Kill a Mockingbird". I had heard so much about this book, but had never been asked to read it, so when I discovered it at a yard sale last summer, I bought it for a dime and it rested on my bookshelf until recently. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it, as I'm sure most all have. Now I need to start something new. I have a new book by Ann Marie MacDonald on the shelf...perhaps that.
musings by
1/24/2005 05:19:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
This is the snow at my brother's house - I don't have a digital camera so this will have to suffice! They have very similar drifts to what is in my driveway.
musings by
1/24/2005 11:27:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Is it Spring Yet?
My shovelling hasn't been as treacherous as it has been in past years, thanks to people with plows, tractors and my next door neighbors. However, what has become even more irritating is the snow talk - I think it is the only thing people on the east coast can find to talk about is the weather. Good, bad, or ugly. So its snowing. Ok. Its winter, people. What else did you expect? Daffodil blooms?
musings by
1/24/2005 07:38:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, January 22, 2005
musings by
1/22/2005 09:45:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Its all about ME!
musings by
1/22/2005 05:09:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Friday, January 21, 2005
What Kind of Hippie Are You?
Since part of my head always seems to be stuck in the 60's and 70's ( I did actually live through them) I was intrigued by this whimsical quiz...
You are a Hippie. Wow.
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Try it...see what you come up with...
musings by
1/21/2005 06:51:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
What a Friggin Day
Well, when I got to work, the front entrance of our building has two has been broken for about a month or so, with no apparent attempts to fix it...just some tape and caution tape telling us not to use it. The problem is the other one had not been used as much and is very stiff, and slams on me all the time, squishing me in the door, sometimes bashing me in the shoulder...which already hurts enough thank-you very much from the injury I received a few years ago when I thought I could do Jujitsu...
So my shoulder is hurting and I am in a pissy mood...I get upstairs where my office is and our security door won't close. Great...another f-ing door problem. I've got my hands full of my lunch, Wal-Mart bags and my little zip case for work stuff...half falls on the floor and I am really in a pissy mood by then. Our door upstairs hasn't been working for a week or so either...making us not so secure after all. Great. So I fire off an e-mail to management telling them the door situation is unacceptable. got that off my chest. In the meantime, my rant about the doors scares the hell out of my co-worker in the adjoining office, so she shuts her door in fear.
Then I went downstairs to look for something in the file room. It is archaic. I can't believe the mess in there. Its no wonder stuff goes missing. And if it was simple paperwork for a business of some sort, whatever, lose it, find it...who really cares...but I work for a child welfare agency and if we lose paper, the judge is not happy and someone's head may I get panicky when I can't find something. Turns out it was in front of my nose the whole time, with the exception of one particular correspondence. Fine. I head back upstairs.
Since I had ranted and raved part of the morning, I was thirsty and headed down to the kitchen to get a drink at the water water. empty AND the jug has been taken off and set on the floor. Ok, why didn't someone put a new one up? Because they were TOO LAZY to get another one from downstairs...GREAT. So I took my rage downstairs and dragged and rolled another jug upstairs and got myself a drink of WARM water.
It took me a bit to get over the pissy mood but I was finally able to shake it off. It wasn't even the worst day I've had, as things were relatively minor, but I was ready to hide in my office, especially after my boss asked me if I needed to go for a walk...
musings by
1/19/2005 03:46:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, January 17, 2005
I braved it!
musings by
1/17/2005 01:18:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Snow Day!
musings by
1/17/2005 06:56:00 a.m.
1 words of wisdom
Sunday, January 16, 2005
musings by
1/16/2005 09:36:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Stay tuned for some more pics...
musings by
1/16/2005 09:06:00 a.m.
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musings by
1/16/2005 08:30:00 a.m.
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Lets get back to Blogging!
musings by
1/16/2005 07:13:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Poor Fishes
well, I finally had to break down and clean the fish tank. The algae was getting its own glow on the front and I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't able to find the correct charcoal and sponge filter, so just rinsed them out, but replaced 1/3 of the water and used my brand new gravel cleaner to suck up some crap. The fish are surely traumatized, especially the two that didn't make it. OOOOPS!
It began with me taking out 1/3 of the water so I could put my arms in to do stuff and not slosh too much. The fish were getting in the way of the gravel cleaner and I couldn't see what the hell I was doing. So I took out the plants and ceramic decor...little did I know that with one of the plants came a fish. Poor guy spent the afternoon in a Wal-Mart bag - and when I replaced the plants out of it again, I didn't see him in there, threw the bag back on the floor and proceeded to step on it a bunch of times while running to the tap to refill the tank. OOOPS. So he was rather squished. I had also attempted to capture the fish to get them out of the way but was only able to get 5 of got stuck in the net and I didn't see him until I was putting the fish back. OOOPS. He died too.
musings by
1/15/2005 11:59:00 a.m.
1 words of wisdom
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Silly Girls
musings by
1/13/2005 04:05:00 p.m.
1 words of wisdom
since my blog is described as ramblings and useless's a fresh batch...
- as much as I try not to let this whole "diagnosis" take over my life, its creeping in there. Now when I feel an ache or a pain that I had gotten rather used to, I process it and wonder if its an ordinary pain or is it related to FM. Then my thoughts wander to - oh, well, if it is related to FM, will I be feeling it for the rest of my life? Will it get worse? I have been reading on a "support group" for FM and its quite depressing. I think I'll be leaving it as all they talk about is new drug therapies and qualifying for disability pension. Gadzooks! I hadn't even considered not being able to work
- which lead to my next rambling - what if I can't continue to work at my current job? What if things really don't get much better healthwise...what then? What if I can't work full-time or at social work. Stress makes FM worse and GAWD knows child protection is loaded with stress. And I think my little breakdown last fall was an indicator that my body is not up to the task, at least not in its current state.
- so now I sit on the edge of sanity, wondering how much more I can tolerate. And on the grand scheme of things, I'm not being asked to tolerate that much compared to the misery of others, however, I do know that I have been pushed to my limits this past year and although I didn't snap, I came darn close.
- So what do I do about it? I know that I don't want to spend my time whining about FM, thats for sure. I just hope for understanding from friends and family about it, and the wisdom to make good choices for my future.
wow...that was now its time to lighten things up a bit...check back for my next post in a few minutes...
musings by
1/13/2005 03:41:00 p.m.
1 words of wisdom
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
So WHAT does that MEAN?
There are a couple more, but less "glamorous" symptoms. In any event, that's how I have been feeling lately, for the past few years or more. The sleeping thing has been around for many years, but the rest came on in the past 2-3 years. So if I am grumpy on a particular day, it might just be I am not having a good physical day. Not an excuse to be grumpy mind you, but I don't always feel up to snuff and if this stuff worsens, I may have more good days than bad. Just so you know, is all.
musings by
1/11/2005 01:04:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
musings by
1/11/2005 03:29:00 a.m.
1 words of wisdom
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Messy House
musings by
1/09/2005 06:40:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Who's passing who?
I often wonder if life is passing me by, or if I am passing on life.
musings by
1/09/2005 06:00:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Another Weekend
musings by
1/09/2005 11:18:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Friday, January 07, 2005
Thank Gump Its Friday.
I work a lot of on-call shifts (they are one-week long, meaning I am on-call from 4:30pm-8:30am the next day and all week-end long) and the bonus of working them is you get the Friday immediately following your on-call shift, which ends on Thursday, OFF! The trouble has been, Family Court is also on Thursday-Friday and I am involved through work in a lot of court files. And they often are called back on a Friday, meaning I have to reschedule my Relief days (the free Friday). Last year my vacation was partly made up of relief days I never got to take because of court. So to actually have one off today when it was scheduled, is AWESOME. Now I feel RELIEF...
so what am I doing on my Relief day? Lounging, totally. Watching my Beatles Anthology AGAIN. And then there was the trip to the end of the driveway to get the mail. No blackouts this time, lol but I did manage to fall flat on my back. God Damn ice. We had some snow last night and it looked sticky so I thought it would take care of all the ice around from the last snowfall that was followed by rain. Um. No. Instead I went just like in the movies, slipped on one heel, and up into the air, followed by a sound THUMP onto the ground, fully flat on my back. Thankfully the ICE CLUMP that I slipped on landed right below my ass, where there appears to be adequate padding. I haven't quite decided yet if I injured myself during this, the first fall of 2005. My back is a little sore...lets see what the day brings...
musings by
1/07/2005 09:34:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Reflections of What Used To Be
Quiz found on my friend the Hairy Hoser's blog, with origin unknown.
musings by
1/05/2005 03:56:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, January 03, 2005
Ugh, I am out of shape
Well, here's a totally original new year's resolution - to get in shape. the other day I walked down to the end of the driveway to get the mail. I usually pick it up on the way home from work in the car, but this particular day, I was off so I walked down to get it. My driveway is about 1/3 of a kilometre to the mailbox. I damn near blacked out. There were black spots dancing in front of my eyes. Holy shit. Then today I went out and shoveled out my shovel. Yes, that's right, shoveled out my shovel. My big scoop had been laying against the step after the first of the big storm, and must have fallen down, and got snowed over, then iced in, and frozen in place. It took a bit of effort, but I got it out. then I had to come in, get my rescue puffer and lie down. my heart is still racing.
what in the hell is going on. I figure I don't get enough exercise (no shit) and its partly due to living out in the country. I used to walk a little when I lived in town - to the video store, Dairy Queen, library, or to work to do notes on the weekends. Now I walk down the steps to my car. Apparently walking to the end of the driveway proved to be too much. absolutely pathetic.
so I resolve to walk more, even if I do live out in the country and the trucks passing by my road nearly run me down. After I drive my garbage to the end of the driveway...
musings by
1/03/2005 11:24:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Sunday, January 02, 2005
phew, that's all over
I'm done...the living room is set up, the spare room is set up and I just LOVE IT! I'm happy with the way things worked out, even if the plan changed along the way. I'm not barred in the room at the end of the hall now when I'm on the computer and I can watch tv at the same time. whoo hoo! Life is good. Now I can settle in for the long, cold, winter out here in my living room.
Life is also quite pathetic when that is the highlight of my day...
musings by
1/02/2005 01:53:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, January 01, 2005
oh mama
I hurt...big time. I got to it, I moved the living room furniture around. And its not that its really heavy or anything like that, such as my mother's furniture, except for the television I guess (25") it was more all the crap I had to take off my shelves, with nowhere to put it, the bending, reaching, etc. Now my back hurts and because I am on call, I can't take too much (a few strong drinks sounds good!) so ibuprofen it is...
And I'm not even done yet. I have all the books and movies put back, furniture arranged, but all the other crap is still littered about and of course, the lowly puter is not moved yet...that's a job for tomorrow. And then I can finish putting crap away as I'm taking one section of the shelving for the spare room - get those unsightly items out of the living room - photo albums, board games, a bunch of phone books, other clutter that isn't used very much, etc.
I don't appear to have the stamina I used to when I lived on the rock and moved my furniture around monthly...sigh...
musings by
1/01/2005 07:12:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
it works for me...but I really have to get back at it. I have decided that once the tree came down, I was going to rearrange the living room. No small feat by any stretch of the imagination. I have a huge shelving set from Ikea that is four sections, chock full of books movies, souvenirs, photos, games, photo name it. So in order to move it (because it ain't on wheels) I have to take EVERYTHING off it, including all the electronics - tv, vcr, dvd, stereo, etc. The first order of business was to move the cable and be sure that I could actually do that and because I don't currently own a drill, I called for help from the neighbors who came over and took care of that. Now I am committed to moving the rest of the crap before I can watch television. sigh...I will be busy late into the night...but then, what else do I have to do?
so hence, here I sit, avoiding the mess and impending bigger mess out in the living room. I am also planning on moving dear puter out to the living room too...I just don't like being stuffed back here in the spare room to use it. It was necessary for many years to have it in a separate room because one or the other of us was always doing homework, but now that I basically live alone (roomie doesn't use the computer nor does she watch much television and is rarely home) that I can actually have the tv and the computer in the same room. I notice that I am still avoiding...
alright, I'm going, I'm going...
musings by
1/01/2005 03:25:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Happy New Year Everyone!
Resolutions anyone? I've got a few...not that my track record is anything to speak of for keeping them, but what the hell...make 'em, break 'em...
- be less critical of others
- decide what to do with my life this year
- gain good mental health
- resolve my sleeping problems
- clear out the clutter in my house
- clear out the clutter in my life
- become more active, even if it kills me
- find someone to share my life with
- work less on-call shifts
- cut the apron strings
So we shall see just how I do on these...I don't know if I even made any last year but I can bet they weren't kept...
musings by
1/01/2005 05:23:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
another year over and a new one just begun...
In the words of John Lennon and Yoko Ono
(Happy Xmas Kyoko
Happy Xmas Julian)
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over over
If you want it
War is over
musings by
1/01/2005 05:11:00 a.m.
words of wisdom