Tuesday, January 11, 2005

So WHAT does that MEAN?

My friends and family have been wondering what particular symptoms I have of FM, because there are so many, I thought I would highlight the particularly annoying ones, and leave out the less pleasant ones and spare ya...heh heh

If you clicked on the link I provided in the last post, you would have found such a list - besides the tender points, which I do have, I have also had trouble with sleeping, which has been no great secret and I've written about it here from time to time. There is a particular sleep disorder related to FM, where you don't get enough stage 4 sleep, and your brain is too busy to let you sleep during that stage, which is also the stage where you get your true restorative sleep. I'm hoping to get into the sleep clinic to confirm that, but it sure would explain the sleep issue I have. Some FM folks describe it as feeling like you have one foot out of sleep and one foot in all night...YUP, that's me. I just thought I was a light sleeper. Cat farts do not amuse me but they do wake me up.

On we go. fatigue - well, that would certainly go hand in hand with getting VERY LITTLE SLEEP, wouldn't it?

morning stiffness (waking up stiff and achy) - hell yes. I get stiff and achy getting up from my chair if I have sat too long, but the morning stuff...oh yeah...and also related to not getting good sleep. Tossing and turning is quite a workout, I kid you not. I have had a number of days where I felt like a mack truck hit me and I had no idea why. And it would go away by noon for no particular reason, which is a big thing with FM. Unexplained symptoms that come and go seemingly at random.

chronic pain - got it. Don't know why, don't know what causes it, but its there. I was beginning to think I was imagining it. I mostly have pain in my back, which may or may not be related to FM and might be more related to me just not taking care of my back in my 20's. Just because you can lift something doesn't mean that you SHOULD. The other pain I have is in my neck, shoulders, wrists (but I don't fit the criteria for carpal tunnel syndrome) and my knees. It comes and goes, and I never know when to expect it or what triggers it. It just happens.

numbness and tingling sensations - get them so much my co-workers think I am having a heart attack. No, the old ticker is just fine. My legs and arms go dead on me all the time. I just blamed poor circulation.

dizziness or lightheadedness - from time to time, and unexplained. sometimes my head just rocks inside, so I sit down.

skin and chemical sensitivities - well, I am certainly sensitive to smells and get splitting headaches from them, but I think just about anyone would from the stench that comes up from the floor below me at work where they are grinding metal. The ultimate though is vanilla scent - like fork in the eye.

There are also links between the myoclonus that I talked about some months back - muscle jerks and FM. And they are becoming more noticable, in that I get them at work.

There are a couple more, but less "glamorous" symptoms. In any event, that's how I have been feeling lately, for the past few years or more. The sleeping thing has been around for many years, but the rest came on in the past 2-3 years. So if I am grumpy on a particular day, it might just be I am not having a good physical day. Not an excuse to be grumpy mind you, but I don't always feel up to snuff and if this stuff worsens, I may have more good days than bad. Just so you know, is all.

Anyhow, I am off to have a rest on the loveseat since the scrapbookers have invaded my home again tonight...

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