Saturday, January 01, 2005

oh mama

I hurt...big time. I got to it, I moved the living room furniture around. And its not that its really heavy or anything like that, such as my mother's furniture, except for the television I guess (25") it was more all the crap I had to take off my shelves, with nowhere to put it, the bending, reaching, etc. Now my back hurts and because I am on call, I can't take too much (a few strong drinks sounds good!) so ibuprofen it is...

And I'm not even done yet. I have all the books and movies put back, furniture arranged, but all the other crap is still littered about and of course, the lowly puter is not moved yet...that's a job for tomorrow. And then I can finish putting crap away as I'm taking one section of the shelving for the spare room - get those unsightly items out of the living room - photo albums, board games, a bunch of phone books, other clutter that isn't used very much, etc.

I don't appear to have the stamina I used to when I lived on the rock and moved my furniture around monthly...sigh...

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