Monday, January 17, 2005

I braved it!

Well, I decided to go out and see what the snow was was wet. But I wasn't gracious neighbors came out and helped me out immensely. That is one long sumbitch of a driveway, let me tell you. It took the three of us about an hour with scoops and shovels. But we got it done, and they continued on throughout the afternoon and shovelled the rest, gotta love em. There will have to be treats shared at some point. The missus doesn't bake so I bring them sweets whenever I make some...perhaps I'll rustle something up tonight!

So once we finished enough of the driveway to get my car out, I headed for town, panting to beat all and my heart racing like a triphammer (whatever in the hell that is). I had a few puffs on the inhaler to get the old lungs moving again and away I went. Town was pretty much cleaned up, although many parking lots to be plowed but those businesses were closed anyhow. When I got to our parking lot, however, it was a different story. While the inside of the lot was plowed, I picked three of the four ways to get into it and they were all unplowed...I finally picked my way through the maze and got in, and parked. One step out of the car and I am nearly flat on my ass again. The snow had not stuck very well to the GLAZE of SHEER ICE under it. It was just like walking on glass it was so smooth. Another few steps and whoopsie again...but I managed to catch myself.

Seems the caretaker/superintendent/janitor (whoever he is or what he calls himself) wasn't in so nothing was shovelled. Not the steps, the walk, NOTHING. And this is a government building and all. So I plowed through the snow once again, thankfully I had not taken off the windpants yet. Once inside, my co-workers commented on my figure skating in the parking lot...I got the feeling they were rather disappointed that I didn't fall down. Its like a shot on goal that missed...OHHHHHH, darn.

Turns out only five of us from the floor even bothered to come in - out of 17 that work on that floor. Granted one is away on vacation, another on sick leave, and yet one more on a day off, but that still leaves 9 that didn't come in. So it made for a quiet afternoon. I got all my work done and had time to kill....and not too many to pester. darn.

Freezing rain on the car to clean off for the drive home and thank-you all, I am home once again, sipping on a nice cold beer. I think I deserve it.

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