Saturday, January 01, 2005


it works for me...but I really have to get back at it. I have decided that once the tree came down, I was going to rearrange the living room. No small feat by any stretch of the imagination. I have a huge shelving set from Ikea that is four sections, chock full of books movies, souvenirs, photos, games, photo name it. So in order to move it (because it ain't on wheels) I have to take EVERYTHING off it, including all the electronics - tv, vcr, dvd, stereo, etc. The first order of business was to move the cable and be sure that I could actually do that and because I don't currently own a drill, I called for help from the neighbors who came over and took care of that. Now I am committed to moving the rest of the crap before I can watch television. sigh...I will be busy late into the night...but then, what else do I have to do?

so hence, here I sit, avoiding the mess and impending bigger mess out in the living room. I am also planning on moving dear puter out to the living room too...I just don't like being stuffed back here in the spare room to use it. It was necessary for many years to have it in a separate room because one or the other of us was always doing homework, but now that I basically live alone (roomie doesn't use the computer nor does she watch much television and is rarely home) that I can actually have the tv and the computer in the same room. I notice that I am still avoiding...

alright, I'm going, I'm going...

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