Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What a Friggin Day

Ever have one of those days where everything you touch turns to shit? That was my day today. It began when I attempted to get out the door early today to go to Wal-mart (I know, I am an addict) to get a few things for my niece. It was her birthday yesterday and I promised to her her parcel in the mail today at the latest...I should have known. Just as I am pulling out of the driveway, my pager goes off. I've been on call since last Thursday at 4:30pm, so when I am not at work, I'm on call. But I RARELY get an early morning call. And what they're asking for isn't completely simple. It should be, but I am in my car, not in my office. Someone wanted to cancel their drug testing for today and I didn't have the phone number of the lab to call them, and 411 didn't have it either. They THOUGHT they did, but it turned out to be some medical clinic in Halifax. Great. So luckily for me (so it wasn't all shit today) my roomie had gone to work early and I actually knew about it, so I called her at work to get the number off my desk (we work at the same agency). So phew, took care of that problem...except now I was late to get to work...I figured, to hell with it and went to Wal-Mart anyhow.

Well, when I got to work, the front entrance of our building has two has been broken for about a month or so, with no apparent attempts to fix it...just some tape and caution tape telling us not to use it. The problem is the other one had not been used as much and is very stiff, and slams on me all the time, squishing me in the door, sometimes bashing me in the shoulder...which already hurts enough thank-you very much from the injury I received a few years ago when I thought I could do Jujitsu...

So my shoulder is hurting and I am in a pissy mood...I get upstairs where my office is and our security door won't close. Great...another f-ing door problem. I've got my hands full of my lunch, Wal-Mart bags and my little zip case for work stuff...half falls on the floor and I am really in a pissy mood by then. Our door upstairs hasn't been working for a week or so either...making us not so secure after all. Great. So I fire off an e-mail to management telling them the door situation is unacceptable. got that off my chest. In the meantime, my rant about the doors scares the hell out of my co-worker in the adjoining office, so she shuts her door in fear.

Then I went downstairs to look for something in the file room. It is archaic. I can't believe the mess in there. Its no wonder stuff goes missing. And if it was simple paperwork for a business of some sort, whatever, lose it, find it...who really cares...but I work for a child welfare agency and if we lose paper, the judge is not happy and someone's head may I get panicky when I can't find something. Turns out it was in front of my nose the whole time, with the exception of one particular correspondence. Fine. I head back upstairs.

Since I had ranted and raved part of the morning, I was thirsty and headed down to the kitchen to get a drink at the water water. empty AND the jug has been taken off and set on the floor. Ok, why didn't someone put a new one up? Because they were TOO LAZY to get another one from downstairs...GREAT. So I took my rage downstairs and dragged and rolled another jug upstairs and got myself a drink of WARM water.

It took me a bit to get over the pissy mood but I was finally able to shake it off. It wasn't even the worst day I've had, as things were relatively minor, but I was ready to hide in my office, especially after my boss asked me if I needed to go for a walk...

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