Saturday, January 22, 2005


Yup, you read it neighbors have a boarder/my landlord, who left his tractor here for when he comes. He had planned on using it to clear the snow from the driveways in the winter. Otherwise, he plays in the woods with it. The thing is, he has been laid off for the rest of the winter and has returned to his home in PEI, leaving the tractor in the neighbor's field.

so my neighbor (the missus) was determined to get out and play with it and figure it out on her own. I mean, how hard can it be? She can drive a standard transmission in a truck, so why not a tractor? I think they had to jumpstart it as I noticed the truck was pulled up beside it with the hood up. Now she is out driving it, and I see the bucket going up and down. I think there is some snowclearing getting done too.

interesting to watch is the coordination necessary to snow clear with a tractor you have just learned to use. backwards and forwards are easily mastered, but that whole bucket variable is something else. I can see when she backs up, she then has to change her hands onto something that controls the bucket, so each action is independent of each other....slow motion almost.

but she is getting the job DONE! Good for you Max, you go girl!

and it's a good thing too...nasty blizzard on the way again early tomorrow morning. Sure would be nice to have a tractor going to clear it up again!

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