Friday, January 07, 2005


Thank Gump Its Friday.

I work a lot of on-call shifts (they are one-week long, meaning I am on-call from 4:30pm-8:30am the next day and all week-end long) and the bonus of working them is you get the Friday immediately following your on-call shift, which ends on Thursday, OFF! The trouble has been, Family Court is also on Thursday-Friday and I am involved through work in a lot of court files. And they often are called back on a Friday, meaning I have to reschedule my Relief days (the free Friday). Last year my vacation was partly made up of relief days I never got to take because of court. So to actually have one off today when it was scheduled, is AWESOME. Now I feel RELIEF...

so what am I doing on my Relief day? Lounging, totally. Watching my Beatles Anthology AGAIN. And then there was the trip to the end of the driveway to get the mail. No blackouts this time, lol but I did manage to fall flat on my back. God Damn ice. We had some snow last night and it looked sticky so I thought it would take care of all the ice around from the last snowfall that was followed by rain. Um. No. Instead I went just like in the movies, slipped on one heel, and up into the air, followed by a sound THUMP onto the ground, fully flat on my back. Thankfully the ICE CLUMP that I slipped on landed right below my ass, where there appears to be adequate padding. I haven't quite decided yet if I injured myself during this, the first fall of 2005. My back is a little sore...lets see what the day brings...

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