Monday, January 31, 2005

My Sister's Uncanny Ability

Yup, my sister. She knows just when I have gone to bed early, so she phones me. She lives in northern British Columbia and calls maybe once a week, unless she needs a question answered, then she may call more. But for as long as I have been living in Nova Scotia and actually working full time - she knows when I have chosen to go to bed early. I rarely do this, and it is usually because I'm quite tired and last night was one of those times.

I was exhausted because of the late night on Saturday, but more so from the physical escapade on snowshoes so went to bed at 9pm, watched a bit of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet on television before drifting off at about 9:45pm or so. At 11:00pm the shrillness of the phone jolted me from a dead sleep....the lamp wouldn't work and I could find the phone...finally after much fumbling, I answered a groggy "hello" and on the other end was my sister.

Then she wanted to hang up and let me get back to sleep...I told her it was too late, I was awake so she better start talking! heh heh...the call lasted about 10 minutes or less and then she had to go because the boys (my darling nephews) needed her. Ok, bye...

I didn't finally get back to sleep until after 1:00am. Thanks, sis. I will get you back, oh yes, I will get you back.

So now I am tired this morning and just when my sleeping was getting somewhat back on track (except for the past two nights - one of my own doing).

I shall try an early night again tonight - can't imagine she would call two nights in a row so I should be safe...

Love you sis!

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