Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Had some good Chinese food today - certainly glad THIS wasn't MY fortune! Actually what I got was "You constantly struggle for self improvement" - hmmm. Posted by Hello


Didi said...

But, you know, the correct way to read a fortune cookie fortune is to add "in bed" to the end of whatever it says. So, "you constantly struggle for self improvement." In bed.

Much better, no? :-)

Big Hoser said...

So... that wasn't chicken in bed?

Just might be a good thing. ;-)

And eys there's a reason for no posts. They won't... POST!

Dreama said...

one would have to be actually DOING something in bed in order to struggle for self-improvement. Sad to say the only action there has been is the cat on or off the bed, is the electric blanket turned on or off, or where in the hell are the blankets and why can't I turn over?

Claudine said...

Sometimes hitting the "next blog" button really pays off. Great site.

Dreama said...

thanx claud! I have come across a few like that too, especially before joining BE. You just have to sift through all the spanish speaking oneS!

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