Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Well, the weather is sure to drive me right off the causeway and into the ocean for sure. Yesterday it began to rain, which is great...then poured...still great...then the heavens opened up...still loving it...then I went to bed and in the quiet of the house heard a motor running...WTF? Turns out its the sump pump and it cut in about every 45 SECONDS!!! I timed it. I never lived in a house that had one, so when it began running, I didn't know what the hell was going on. So the sump pump ran ALL NIGHT and roomie nor I got much sleep...even after ear plugs, the iron bed I slept on picked up the vibrations all night....and I thought a vibrating bed was going to be more enjoyable than this...

So it rains all day...fine...good riddance to icky snow blobs all over the place, covered in dirt. M. and I were off to Antigonish for some shopping and before we left to come back, the snow began...drove through a storm to get home, gale of wind, snow on the road. WTF??? I guess it is March's last kick in the ass. If I have to get up and shovel tomorrow morning, I think I will drive my car off the causeway...


Pamela said...

Ah yes, the joys of an East coast winter.
Hope you woke without needing to shovel.
*crosses fingers*

Big Hoser said...

March comes in like a lion and out like a light, eh?

Whatever happened to the lamb?

Dreama said...

well, I got up this morning, just a dusting of snow, I think the rest blew away...HIGH winds in these parts today. phew...will post more.

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