Sunday, March 27, 2005


well, I was surfing for porn blog explosion while watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...what a weird friggin movie! I ended up turning it off as Johnny Depp was just annoying. Perhaps I was not stoned enough in the right frame of mind for it, who knows

I went to sell my soul have my tarot cards read yesterday with the kid...hers was bang on and mine left me disappointed. He asked us each to think of a question and not tell him while he read, then you reveal the question in mind. I wanted to know if I would meet another mate, although I was pushing a question out of my mind - what is next for me in my he told me I needed to get a life and while I'm busy finally living live, I will meet someone, but not too it looks like no prospects in the near future, if I can believe what he said. He made us tapes to listen to again later, to see if it makes any sense.

tonight is a trip to the theatre for a movie...if we can agree on one that is...


Big Hoser said...

Holy cussy, Girl!! I'm sensing a new trend. That, or you're just really really pissed with the weather!

Dreama said...

oh ya hoser...its just a little of the real me sneaking out...and I finally figured out how to use the strikeout code as its not part of the blogger program.

and the weather has been getting better every day!!!

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