Sunday, May 29, 2005

Another DAMN Damp Day

The sun appears to be an illusion...haven't seen it in days. I was wishfully thinking when I went out and set up my new croquet set in the back yard...the heavy mist came down and soaked me. So much for mint julips and crumpets in the backyard today...

Instead, I'm playing tech support once again for my parents and watching The Family Guy which is one of the funniest adult cartoons I have ever watched. Or should I say "animated program". Stewie just cracks me up, I love his sarcasm. The writing is so good, its shocking much of the time, and totally inappropriate...which is the draw for me! Lets draw some attention to old stereotypes and make fun of them, and we can then think about things for ourselves.

Stormy has bravely taken over Via's basket...the nerve. They are playing very well together now and Via has ceased hissing and growling at the little ankle biter...and let me tell you, the ankle bites are NASTY....he usually ends up with the business end of my foot catapulting swishing him across the floor with a YELP when he really digs in.

The tattoo is a little sore...especially when the kitten BITES it. But otherwise is looking gangrenous healthy enough. What's next?

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