Saturday, May 07, 2005

Today's Toiling Effort

Thanks to my friends R. and A., we completed the new firepit in my backyard! The idea began to take root earlier this year after my landlord and neighbors used a tractor to pull a few stumps out of the back yard. They asked me if either of those spots were good for a firepit as I had mentioned I wanted to make one, and since they already had gaping holes in the yard, I figured sure, why not. But then after it was dug out (but not constructed) I realized this morning I didn't really like the spot...too close to the house, I was concerned fire might travel through the huge roots sticking into the pit, and I couldn't really dig it smooth with all those friggin roots left behind, as well, I couldn't see the sunset. So I dug a new hole farther down into the yard, on level ground, with NO ROOTS! And I used the dirt and sod from that to fill the previous hole. Then we were cooking...add a layer of sand and gravel for drainage, a layer of brick, and then a ring of local stones and we're set! I bought a couple of tiki torches at Wal-Mart, and spent some of the afternoon gathering stuff to burn. No one around me burns wood, so there was plenty to gather out here in the country. My neighbor built a new corral last year so I can have all the old posts to burn, which is GREAT!

So the "christening" of the new firepit happens tonight with some friends gathering to roast marshmallow, have some s'mores, beer, and whatever else they want to bring. Here's to the official beginning of spending-time-outdoors-now-that-I-won't-freeze-my-ass-off season!

my brand new firepit Posted by Hello

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