Monday, May 30, 2005

I'm not The Family Guy

But I do watch it, having recently discovered the show this spring...I know, its been on a few years...but it was the kind of show that you knew was around, but never really sat down and watched for me...until my daughter bought a DVD of a few of the most popular episoded. Well, I ROARED my head offf. Stewie has a humour that I recall seeing in a friend of mine some years ago, heh heh. The writing for him is just excellent IMHO. Not many shows (besides Will and Grace) that can get me to laugh out LOUD like I do with The Family Guy. The episode where Brian becomes a police dog sniffing out cocaine is an absolute RIOT! Now I'm hooked...on the show that is...


Annie said...

"Arrested Development" probably makes me laugh the most. "Family Guy" is a close second.

Big Hoser said...

I lllloooovvvvvee Family Guy and my fave episode is form the first season when Stewie (of course Stewie!!) finds out about the "Man in white."

Beautiful. If you haven't seen it, I'll get it to you over gmail!

Dreama said...

I watched the episode last night where Lois was taking a martial arts class and she is with Stewie and barks at someone about something and Stewie says to her "well, looks like someone is wearing her ovaries on the outside today!" and I thought I would just expire from laughing so hard...I am still chuckling this morning.

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