Friday, May 27, 2005

What WAS I Thinking???

Was over at M's house last night and we watched White Noise which was quite good actually...some real jumpy moments! Just what I like in a scary movie!!! But then I had to drive home...and I was more than jumpy! I was tripping out like mad on the drive home, thinking the radio was telling me something, or someone was jumping out into the road, or I was going to blow off (high winds here last night)...I did make it home and was never so glad to be in my own house more scary movies on stormy nights when I have to drive home....


Anonymous said...

No way would I watch that one! The movie trailer was enough to make me want to throw out every electrical device in the house.

Dreama said...

Well, I almost didn't, the coward that I am, but then figured that coming back to my house, there shouldn't be any ghosts here other than the missus that owned the house until she died. And everyone says she was a very nice lady. She might not approve of everything I do in her house, but she sure likes my plants...they have grown twice as much as they ever did in town...hmmmm...maybe I do have a ghost...

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