Saturday, May 21, 2005

Old Dog, Old Tricks

yup. That's me. I found myself with an abundance of yarn recently and wanting to use it up before I end up like my mother with bags and boxes everywhere of craft I asked mother for her granny square pattern and lo and behold...I am crocheting again. I had crocheted years ago, in the "old days" when I was a stay at home mom. Haven't been that since the summer of 1997. I was surprised how quickly I recalled just what to do. I didn't even really need the book. One simply diagram and I was off and running!

what's pathetic is that is what I find myself doing this Saturday night on a holiday weekend...while watching reruns of ER on DVD. I'm on-call, so couldn't really go far anyhow, but this is the weekend most of my friends chose to be out of town too! So the big loser stays home alone...well, not completely alone. I do have my two felines to roast on the firepit drive me kitty, kitty, kitty...
(kidding of course)

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