Sunday, May 01, 2005

Sunday Ramblings - Read it or Not

funny how one letter can change a word. like read + y makes it ready. And live can be love, head can be heed, and bed can be bad...

I've been reading a bit about parents and others all in an uproar now that their child has discovered blogging and how dangerous it is to put their information up on a blog, such as first name, town they live in, etc. Ok then...lets think about how it was done before blogging and net...check out your local city newspaper where you have wished your darling daughter a happy birthday...not only have you given her date of birth, her full name, her siblings, who her parents are, what grade she is in and what town she lives in. Um. I think that information has been available for many years. Granted not to the whole world, but there are many newspapers online with similar information which are available to the whole world. And to top it all off, you have your daughter's picture in there, front and centre. Think about this and then tell me your daughter is "putting herself out there" in a blog. You have done it before she ever thought about it.

Spring is having some difficulty finding its way to Nova Scotia...we got a little taste of it a few weeks ago and Mother Nature, in her own bitchy sweet way, took it back and told us to suck it up, its too early. Regardless of weather, there I was last night in the rain, planting a rosebush, my first ever. And I have been working on my fire pit. Its not quite warm enough to be outside to enjoy it yet, so I haven't finished it.

and just where in the hell are my packages...I ordered the 3rd season of ER from e-Bay about two weeks ago, as well as my much anticipated Clark Jungle Hammock, also ordered two weeks ago...whassup?

the damn flies have finally let up and now I have to shovel them out of the there any known use for dead flies? Let me know, I have thousands here for ya...

I miss my kid...sniff...why do they have to grow up and move away? sigh...

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