Thursday, May 05, 2005

How can it be almost Friday already???

Here I sit, in front of the 'puter, wondering where in the hell the week went. And why I haven't posted since Sunday. WTF? I was in Halifax for the past day and a half for a conference, which was great, although a serious topic (child sexual abuse) but good presenters and a chance to meet up with old friends I hadn't seen in a while. Of course, a trip to the city also means shopping...only went to one store, Hill Tribe, and I just LOVE their clothes and other items! Granted I can't afford their regular priced clothes, but they have WONDERFUL sales and I made off like a bandit today...and I bought a TALL KITTY! You know the kind, wooden sculpture, painted, made in Indonesia. I just love it!

So tomorrow is Friday...THANK GOODNESS! I am on call, but hoping for a rather slow week, if possible...and good weather so I can get out and swing in the hammock...not my new one though as I still don't have it and might not even get it now...found a sticker on my door today from UPS and a COD fee of $98!!! WTF???? Criminal, that's what it is. I paid a small fortune for the damn thing in the first place, and now they want to charge me extra for WHAT? So I intend to have a conversation with them tomorrow. Its likely some ridiculous border fees, and I won't be paying that much...fuck that to hell with that. wahhhh....

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