Friday, July 29, 2005

God Help Me, I'm Singing Country Music

I have only been here a week today and I'm already catching myself singing country music or humming a newfie tune. I'll have to apologize to my inner senses as they are assaulted daily with this stuff. They are more accustomed to classic rock than anything. I know its a regional thing, and I should go with the flow, but I JUST CAN'T come to this music.

Oh GOD, I have to leave now as the hill tunes are on now...


Anonymous said...

Ha,ha!! I love country music :)..but I guess I should say...the latest country music. Do that help any???

Dreama said...

The music they play here is the old stuff...Conway Twitty, Loretta Lynn, Kenny Rogers, Charlie know the kind. I'm not much of a fan of the new stuff either, as I find it all sounds the same.

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