Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Same Sex Marriage - What's the Big Deal

I usually don't tend to comment on current events too much, but have a few thoughts on the subject, which are simply just that - THOUGHTS. Not a formal argument, not based on any particular research, just THOUGHTS.

I REALLY DON'T MIND that our country has just passed the law to allow civil unions between same sex couples. Good for them. I think anyone who wants to make that kind of committment should be able to. Why are religious groups up in arms? It's not like they passed the law.

It's also not like marriage actually means much anymore anyhow. With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce (come on, it has to be higher now) no one seems to be taking the notion of marriage too seriously anyhow. Gawd knows I didn't. I have been divorced for nearly 5 years. Exactly how will civil unions between same sex couples affect religious groups? Are they expecting a mass exodus from their beliefs to become a homosexual that wants to get married in a civil ceremony? Give me a break. Give them a break. Give it a REST already. At least those wishing to participate in a same sex marriage civil ceremony care enough to fight for the right.

Isn't it really about people who love each other that want to make it legal for whatever reason? What's wrong with that? Are religious groups that exclusive? If so, it just makes me more certain that I have made the right choice in not being a part of any organized religion.

There, I've had my say. And just so the bible thumpers know, I am REALLY not interested in rants about how homosexuality is wrong in the comments section. I've heard it all before and don't agree with you, so plaguing me with incessant rambling about it will not win me over. Ever. This post is more in support of same sex civil unions. Go ahead, get married, love one another. I dare ya...


Big Hoser said...

No, I'm not thumping --never been one to thump around anyway...

I know the church I go to has been struggling with the issue at a national level because the law goes against the definition of traditional marriage.

But when the government passes a law like this, then some churches (obviously not all) feel that what has always been perceived in the past as "right" suddenly no longer matters.

And then it's hard to teach others what is "right" and "wrong" when churches say one thing and governments say another.

And then the fear becomes the next issue: If the church doesn't follow what the government says, then will churches still be allowed to marry people? If they don't they can lose their charitable status (which is how churches operate and pay salary --clergy need homes too) and, really, churches can then becomes persecuted for their beliefs.

Whre I'm giong with this is: If the government starts persecuting a church over something like this, what's next?

THAT's what really has people worried.

Dreama said...

whose definition of marriage though? Some religions allow more than one wife, while none allow more than one husband. Whose definition is the "right" one?

Dreama said...

oh, and about church and government...I think they need to stay out of one another's business. Period.

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