Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunny Sunday Sunshine Shine ON

Beautiful day here in Cape Breton...sun is shining again, the wind is nice and warm, keeping the flies at bay, and it is NOT a work day!!! I am hanging out the laundry, reading and taking in the sun out there...came in for a drink and a quick peek online...must get back before the sun thinks I don't appreciate it...


Pamela said...

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

It's simple pleasures such as these that make life so worthwhile. It's unfortunate that more people can't appreciate them.

Dreama said...

if it wasn't for simple pleasures, I wouldn't have any...can't afford the more complex ones...however I am still contemplating spending a small fortune on a kayak...but then if it was something I could afford, there would be no contemplation...hmmm...

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