Sunday, January 02, 2005

phew, that's all over

I'm done...the living room is set up, the spare room is set up and I just LOVE IT! I'm happy with the way things worked out, even if the plan changed along the way. I'm not barred in the room at the end of the hall now when I'm on the computer and I can watch tv at the same time. whoo hoo! Life is good. Now I can settle in for the long, cold, winter out here in my living room.

Life is also quite pathetic when that is the highlight of my day...


kevin said...

Big Hoser said...


'rambleon' is the "comment"? Haw-haw! Someone thinks you're rambling!! ;-)


Dreama said...

actually, its another blog, which I went to and read for a bit. but maybe I was rambling about moving furniture too...because it was so f-ing time consuming!!!

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