Friday, May 13, 2005

Stormy - the newest resident feline...welcome to the crazy house, my boy. Posted by Hello


Didi said...

What a cutie!! Looks like my Nic-Nak did when I brought her home (except her ears are bigger - she looked like a fruit bat!). I'm kind of jealous. If Nic-Nak wasn't so damn mean, I'd try to get a kitten. But, I'm afraid she'd eat it while I was at work...

Big Hoser said...

I have 2 cats to give away --I'm sick of them and they're eating me out of house & home! ;-)

Seriously, he's cute, but isn't the R.F. more than a little jealous?

Dreama said...

R.C. more like it...resident coward...she is 10 times his size and won't come out of my bedroom. She tried once and even hopped up on my desk, then saw the kitten there in a basket and snarled and ran to the bedroom again. I've been spending extra time with her to help her along, but all she can do is growl and hiss so far. He's so tiny, I don't know why she feels he's such a threat. But he is real cute!

Dreama said...

the sideways run is my favorite! He is just starting to do that. They are so fuzzy at this age too...I had forgotten how soft they are.

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