Monday, July 18, 2005

Make Some Noise, some White Noise

Well, against my better judgement (well, I don't know if I have better judgement) I rented White Noise with Michael Keaton. And in case you're new, I live alone with my two kitties and tropical fish. I can handle the movie...but then I get all jumpy afterwards. And its so frigging hot here tonight that I had to go get the big fan - out of the BASEMENT. Of course, I didn't think of it BEFORE the movie. So now here are me and kitty, racing to and from the basement for the fan. PHEW! made it. What really made me jump was when my supervisor called me on my cell phone (I'm on call and it was a return call to me), shortly after the guy's wife's cell phone called him. THAT made me scream a little. Thanks P. Appreciate the free thrills at my expense...heh heh.

so now how long do I have to stay up before I can go to bed...


weenie said...

Have you watched The Ring? Halfway through the movie, my telephone started to ring...I didn't answer it!

Dreama said...

oh yes, have seen The Ring. I phoned a friend of mine while SHE was watching it, it was in the last 5 minutes and scared the CRAP out of her...heh heh...then I watched it and it just plain scared me. Great movie!

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