Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Why buy either?

in a conversation with a co-worker today, she handed me a quote of sorts that she had heard...the first part is very familiar...the second part caused me to howl out loud. If it offends the male population, then you obviously have gotten the point. It is in reference to making the commitment of marriage.

...said by certain members of the male population...

"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

snappy retort by female counterpart...

"Why buy the pig when all you want is a little sausage"



Anonymous said...

The sausage retort was brilliant. I hate my fellow male counterparts who make such lame humor... but oh well, all I can be is different.

Dreama said...

all I need now is someone to say it when I'm there so I can use it... heh heh

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